Buy The Cookbook!

Welcome to Just a Dinner Party! We are so excited to share our self-published cookbook with you all. This cookbook is a journey to the Mediterranean, an exploration of heritage, and a quest to connect more deeply with your community.

The team behind the cookbook began collaborating in early 2023 on a shared vision inspired by Justin Koochof's culture and upbringing.

How did this project start?

Originally, Justin had been writing a cookbook as a gift to his family. His family heritage and his upbringing sparked his love for cooking and hosting, and this gift was a love letter to them.

When Justin met his now Editor, Alex, she encouraged him to share his project with a larger audience and helped him realize the potential a project like this could have for his community.

With the help of his Designer and Editor, Justin navigated the unfamiliar world of self-publishing. He connected with another local, self-published author who shared her learnings.

What has the process been like?

It has been exciting, motivating, tiresome, laborious, and extremely fulfilling.

This book is entirely self-funded, so the team behind it has had to be scrappy with costs. An entire community has been involved behind the scenes, and the cost of the first edition of this cookbook was set to cover the printing and distribution of it.

Self-publishing means that our team has been covering the expenses of this project out-of-pocket, learning and developing new skills, and working long hours to meet our self-established deadlines.

Big thanks to our loved ones who have given up their weekends to support us through cooking, photo shoot assistance, and emotional support. ❤️

Why should you support this cookbook?

This project is entirely homegrown, made by three self-taught creatives who value their heritage. Our mission is to give back to Seattle, host events, and cultivate community in the city.

The team is preselling the book to aggregate funds for the physical purchase! Presale closes Oct 1, and the team plans to distribute all copies by Mid-October!

Your purchase includes:

  • A first edition, signed copy of this cookbook.
  • 56 Mediterranean & Middle Eastern inspired recipes.
  • Launch party invitation!
  • Surprise goodies from the team ✨